Students and Staff From Alta Loma and Fannin Elementaries Sign, Leave Their Mark on New Construction
Students and Staff From Alta Loma and Fannin Elementaries Sign, Leave Their Mark on New Construction
Students and staff at Alta Loma and Fannin elementaries recently celebrated a milestone in the construction of Fannin Elementary’s new addition with a drywall signing followed by a drywall hanging ceremony. Students at Fannin have enjoyed watching the evolution of the new construction on their campus, which broke ground in October 2023, said Dana Felts, Fannin Elementary Principal. “The students and staff have watched the new wing being constructed from day one,” she said. “The opportunity for them to leave their ‘mark’ is unique and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”
Students and Staff at Alta Loma Elementary and Fannin Elementary Sign a Section of Drywall for Fannin’s New Construction
The drywall signing began in February with Justice Construction Inc., the company overseeing construction at Fannin Elementary, delivering a 4-by-10 sheet of drywall to Alta Loma Elementary and one to Fannin Elementary. Students and faculty at Alta Loma signed their sheet of drywall with permanent markers in an array of bright colors. A mile and a half away, students and faculty at Fannin Elementary did the same with their sheet of drywall. In just a few days, more than 500 students and staff filled the drywall with messages, signatures, hearts, stars, music notes, smiley faces, flowers and animals.
Students and Staff Celebrate Signed-Drywall Hanging
As the 2023-2024 school year drew to a close in May, the construction at Fannin had reached the anticipated milestone – It was time to install the signed sheets of drywall in the new build.
On May 28, teachers and students at Fannin gathered in the empty classroom where the two signed sheets of drywall were to be installed, while teachers at both Fannin and Alta Loma elementaries logged onto a video call so their students could watch the ceremony from their classroom.
Alta Loma’s sheet of drywall was the first to be installed. Two construction workers placed the sheet of drywall in position and then stepped onto the scissor lift. Fannin kindergarten students and the teachers counted down – “Five, four, three, two, ONE!” As the scissor lift rose into the air, the crowd cheered and watched as the two construction workers guided the drywall into place and secured it into place with screws. Alta Loma students and staff had now left their permanent mark on Fannin’s new building.
“Students and staff were excited to have a small piece added to the new building,” said Lauri Herndon, Alta Loma Elementary Principal. “Students thought it was cool that they could see their work on the wall.”
As the kindergarten students left the room, first and second grade students entered. The construction team brought in Fannin’s signed sheet of drywall and placed it in position and the two construction workers stepped onto the scissor lift again. As the scissor lift rose into the air, the teachers led another countdown. After the men secured the drywall in place, students and staff applauded and cheered. Fannin students and staff had now left their permanent mark on Fannin’s new building.
After the drywall hanging, all Fannin students had a chance to walk through the classroom to view the hung drywall. “It finally made sense to them,” Ms. Felts said. “Third grade in particular was extremely excited. They figured out their name would be on the drywall in the ceiling above their potential classroom for years. The Kinder kiddos were thrilled that they got to write on the wall.”
Principal’s Perspective: What is one piece of advice you would give or one thing you say to Alta Loma Elementary and/or Fannin Elementary Students?
“Look at the merge as a great opportunity to meet new people, make new friends, and learn new things.” – Lauri Herndon, Alta Loma Elementary Principal
“Welcome to the family. Fannin is a fantastic place to be, and everyone takes care of each other.” – Dana Felts, Fannin Elementary Principal
Construction Updates at Fannin Elementary as of June 17, 2024 Include:
- Currently pulling wire
- Door frames have been installed
- Pulling CATS, internet
- Skylights are installed
- Brick work complete on one side classroom windows are in
- Dirt work continues
- Prep work for play court started
- On schedule to be complete in August 2024, move in early August
“Seeing the drywall go up felt like an accomplishment,” Ms. Felts said. “We have worked tirelessly this year moving classrooms, cleaning, adjusting, and overcoming hurdles and all the ‘behind the scenes’ things that others are not privy to. Knowing our staff and students would forever be a part of the building ‘behind the scenes’ in the wall was fitting!”
San Angelo ISD would like to thank Justice Construction and Parkhill, Smith & Cooper for their collaboration and guidance with the drywall signing and drywall hanging ceremony. To stay up-to-date on San Angelo ISD, please visit the SAISD website at and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
More about San Angelo ISD's Sustainability Plan:
As part of San Angelo ISD’s Sustainability Plan, Fannin Elementary and Alta Loma Elementary will combine, with students and staff from both elementaries being housed at Fannin Elementary, including the new facility, beginning in the 2024-2025 school year.
Fannin Elementary’s 10,795-square-feet addition will include: eight modern classrooms adjoining the 1997-classroom addition; a new collaboration area; new student and staff restrooms; a campus-wide, fire-alarm-system update; and a new pickup and drop-off area with additional parking.
At the end of the 2023-2024 school year, Fannin Elementary had a total of approximately 276 students, with 201 students at Austin Elementary. Combining schools into a larger campus of 500 to 600 students is an optimum size for instructional benefit and operational efficiency. By combining Fannin Elementary and Alta Loma Elementary into one campus, SAISD is able to:
- provide students with more resources and improve educational environments and provide more support staff
- maintain smaller student learning environments within a larger campus
- expand professional learning groups for teachers to mentor and collaborate with peers
- operation cost per student can be reduced by up to $2,000 per student
- balance student enrollment for more efficient use of school spaces
- economic efficiency