San Angelo ISD FFA and 4-H Students Participate in 93rd Annual Tom Green County Livestock Show & Fair

San Angelo ISD FFA and 4-H Students Participate in 93rd Annual Tom Green County Livestock Show & Fair

After months of preparation, San Angelo ISD FFA and 4-H students showcased their dedication, skills and hard work at the 93rd Annual Tom Green County Livestock Show & Fair earlier this month. Almost 30 students from Lake View and Central High Schools displayed their talent and passion, competing in a variety of categories and earning recognition for their impressive efforts.

The annual livestock show and fair brought together young exhibitors from across the county to present their agricultural projects, from livestock and rabbits to metal works and shop equipment. This long-standing tradition highlights not only the students’ commitment to their projects but also the invaluable experiences they gain through leadership, responsibility and teamwork. 

Tom Green County Ag Mechanics Show

In the Ag Mechanics Show, students from Lake View and Central High Schools demonstrated their skills in welding, woodshop, and construction projects. Mr. Hunter Smith, who teaches Welding 2 & Practicum in Manufacturing at Central High School, shared that seniors Brady Ellingson and Jager Smith spent three months working on their welding project. He said the young men had a need for a deer stand but could not afford to buy one, so they took it upon themselves to design and build one.

“I always challenge students to think about building projects that pertain to their personal interests,” Mr. Smith said, stressing the value of teamwork and collaboration. “Students in group-project work always benefit each other. They have different talents and different ways of thinking and solving problems … They enjoy the fellowship with other students from different schools.”

Brady and Jager faced some challenges while working on their project, including the need to adapt their design based on materials they had on hand. “The boys wanted a certain size of square tubing that we did not have at the time,” Mr. Smith said. “I asked them to replan their design to use what we had. Every project changes in ways like that during construction. Just like in real life, you use what you have already paid for before spending more money.” This experience not only taught them flexibility, but also reinforced the importance of resourcefulness and creative thinking in tackling obstacles.

Reflecting on their growth, Mr. Smith praised Brady and Jager for the skills they’ve developed over the years. “Both Jager and Brady have been in my welding class for all four years of high school, therefore they are capable of building anything,” he said. “It brings me a lot of joy to see our students take an interest in welding and the opportunities that come with the trade. It is a fun hobby or could be a means of making a living.

This year’s Tom Green County Livestock Ag Mechanics Show winners include: 

Central High School

  • Welding Students: Brady Ellingson and Jager Smith
    • Reserve Grand Champion, Deer Stand  

Lake View High School

  • Welding Students: Sutton Lampie, Conner Williams, Caleb Schumpert, EJ Campos, Trevor Reeves and Nathan Lambaren
    • Reserve Grand Champion, 14’ Landscape Trailer
  • Woodshop Students: Trey Henry, Misael Rodelo, Isaac Monreal and Auston Perez
    • Blue Ribbon, Bar Top & Stools
    • 3rd Place, Wood Project Roster

Mr. Jory Wiemers, who teaches Principles of Construction and Agriculture Mechanics at Lake View High School, expressed pride in his students, sharing that they dedicated several months to their projects. The welding students began work on the 14-foot trailer in October 2024 and the woodshop students began work on the Bar Top & Stools in December.

“I am very proud of my students,” said Mr. Wiemers. “They worked very hard and it was great to see their hard work be rewarded. I look forward to future shows with them. Winning Reserve Grand Champion at the County show was a highlight that I’ll never forget.”

Tom Green County Livestock Show

San Angelo ISD students participated in this year's show, exhibiting pigs, lambs, goats, rabbits and chickens. Students spend months of dedication and hard work preparing an animal for exhibition in these shows. Preparation includes: selecting the breed, age and structure of the animal; daily care of the animal; and halter breaking and gentling the animal so it becomes accustomed to being handled and led for show. In each livestock category, students competed for Grand Champion, Reserve Champion and Showmanship. 

“Our FFA chapter continues to make strides in showcasing the dedication and hard work of our members,” said Bailey Shipp, who teaches CTE Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources at Central High School. “With a total of 25 students in FFA, 12 of whom participated in this year’s County Show, our chapter demonstrated excellence in a variety of categories.” 

This year’s Tom Green County Livestock Show SAISD winners include:

  • Greysen Collins 
    • Best of Breed, Holland Lop, Fancy Rabbit Holland Lop Show 
    • 3rd Place, Dutch Rabbit, Fancy Rabbit Dutch Show
  • Aiden Narviz
    • Grand Champion Commercial Rabbits, Champagne Rabbit
    • Reserve Champion Overall Rabbits, Champagne Rabbit
  • Jonah Kunselman
    • 1st Place, Himalayan Rabbit, Fancy Rabbit Himalayan Rabbit Show
  • Makayla Williamson
    • 3rd Place, Market Boar Goat Show

During the two-day competition, students exhibit livestock, which are judged on certain breed traits as specified by their respective breed standard. Students can choose the type of animal they want to show – rabbits, sheep or goats – for stock show season and typically decide during the summer or early in the school year, Ms. Shipp said. “Many students opt to show rabbits because they can be cared for at home and, while showing a rabbit still requires a significant amount of work, it is generally less expensive than showing larger livestock ... Due to the challenge of housing livestock for many students who live in town, our chapter offers an Ag Barn where members can house their goats. Currently, there are 13 goats at the barn this year.”

At San Angelo ISD, students have the opportunity to participate in Student Leadership Organizations, such as FFA, within our CTE courses. San Angelo ISD is proud to provide relevant and inspiring course opportunities through CTE which produce future-ready graduates and the ability for our students to follow their individual hopes and dreams. Congratulations to all of our students who competed in this year’s TGC Livestock Show & Fair. To stay up-to-date on San Angelo ISD, please visit the SAISD website at and follow us on InstagramFacebook and X.

About the Tom Green County Jr. Livestock Show 

The Tom Green County Junior Livestock Show, established in the 1930s, was originally focused on lamb projects. Over time, the show expanded to include cattle, swine, and eventually horses. In the 1960s, the Tom Green County Livestock Show Committee was formed, and by the 1980s, the show grew to include additional activities like an open auction, exhibits, and a barbecue, with the Lions Club supporting the event. The Tom Green County Fair and Junior Livestock Show Association was established to further support the show. Over the years, 4-H and FFA members have had the chance to show a variety of animals, including livestock, horses, rabbits, and llamas.

The show’s core mission is to give youth in Tom Green County the chance to showcase their projects and gain valuable experience. In response to rising costs of 4-H and FFA projects, local support has grown to ensure continued participation. In the 2000s, the "Quality Counts" curriculum was introduced to teach young exhibitors about the importance of character, animal care, and livestock management, ensuring high standards for both personal and animal welfare. The program helps maintain the integrity and success of Texas' youth livestock initiatives.